Share Your Wishes today

Download Wishr now and share wishes with your loved ones!

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Feature Screenshot

Key Features

Wishr offers a range of features to enhance your wish-sharing experience. From offline support to unlimited wishlists, Wishr has everything you need to make your wishes come true.

  • Offline Support

    Wishr works offline. Manage wishlists even without an internet connection. Your changes will be synced when you're back online.

  • Sync Across Devices

    Your wishlists are automatically synced across all your devices as long as you're logged in to the same Wishr account.

  • Unlimited Wishlists

    No limit to the number of wishlists you can create in Wishr. Create wishlists for all your needs and occasions!

  • Contact Support

    Need help? Contact Wishr support by sending an email to

  • Privacy and Security

    Your privacy and security are our top priority. Wishr ensures your data is safe and secure.

  • Regular Updates

    Wishr is regularly updated with new features and improvements to enhance your experience.

Start sharing your wishes today!

Download Wishr now and share wishes with your loved ones!

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Frequently asked questions

If you have anything else you want to ask, reach out to us.

    • How do I create a new wishlist in Wishr?

      To create a new wishlist, simply click on the "+" button on the main screen. You can then enter the details of your wishlist, including its name, description, and visibility settings.

    • Can I share my wishlists with others?

      Yes, Wishr allows you to share your wishlists with others. You can do this by opening the wishlist settings and choosing the sharing options.

    • How does the smart sorting feature work?

      The smart sorting feature allows you to sort your wishes by price, title, or priority, making it easier than ever to manage your list.

    • Can I use Wishr offline?

      Yes, Wishr works offline. You can create and manage wishlists even without an internet connection. Your changes will be synced when you're back online.

    • How can I sync my wishlists across multiple devices?

      Your wishlists are automatically synced across all your devices as long as you're logged in to the same Wishr account.

    • Is there a limit to the number of wishlists I can create?

      No, there is no limit to the number of wishlists you can create in Wishr.

    • How do I add pictures to my wishes?

      You can add pictures to your wishes in the wish details. This helps everyone knows exactly what you're looking for.

    • How does the grant and track wishes feature work?

      When you're ready to grant a wish to a friend, simply mark it as 'bought'. This helps avoid duplicate gifts and ensures each wish is fulfilled.

    • How can I contact Wishr support?

      You can contact Wishr support by sending an email to We're here to help!